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Previous Newsletters
Fabulous over 50!!! Opening Gala
Fabulous over 50 Training Offer
Mother's Day, Reversing Osteoporosis
Spines: Shaping the Future
3 Vitality Packages
Do You Have Neck Pain?
Shoulder Pain and Breast Cancer Update
Cancer Prevention
Johnny's Tooth Story
Rotator Cuff
Benefits of Massage, DMSO
David's Shoulder and Tips for Golfers
Thermograms Instead of Mammograms
Wheat, Iodine, Thermograms
Poor Posture? Injured?
Beating Diabetes, Menopause
Previous Newsletters
Fabulous over 50!!! Opening Gala
Fabulous over 50 Training Offer
Mother's Day, Reversing Osteoporosis
Spines: Shaping the Future
3 Vitality Packages
Do You Have Neck Pain?
Shoulder Pain and Breast Cancer Update
Cancer Prevention
Johnny's Tooth Story
Rotator Cuff
Benefits of Massage, DMSO
David's Shoulder and Tips for Golfers
Thermograms Instead of Mammograms
Wheat, Iodine, Thermograms
Poor Posture? Injured?
Beating Diabetes, Menopause
See the past newsletters with information on health you want to know!
last Sunday of the month
12 to 2pm
148 W. 23 Street, 1H
NY NY 10011
Call 212.242.4962 to register or send an email to Sara at [email protected]
Let's explore the embryological origins, the structure, and the function of the bones. Discover their differences and how you can create support, alignment, and self-care.
call 212.242.4962