Generate the Ultimate Healthy Body, Relieve Pain, and Move with Ease!
Sara K. Vogeler, Founder and Director The NeuroMuscular Center, Inc. BMC, MSME/T, LMT, ACE-PT, MFLCI, AOMT Orthopedic Exercise Specialist Educator, Author, Speaker
I loved dancing from my earliest years, watching my parents together at parties, or swirling with my father around the dining room table. Dancing to music, exercising, moving my body is an elixir that cures all ills. It fills me with joy! It was logical to major in dance therapy in college to help others feel good inside. After a career as a modern dancer and choreographer, I focused on helping others move and feel better.
Now, after 50 years as a rehab specialist, health coach, trainer, and educator, I can tell you what works and what you need to do to feel excellent, healthy and strong. We all want to feel energized, excited about what we do, and physically capable. That’s different for everyone. For me, it means being able to dance, to jog a mile, to wake up feeling refreshed, to eat lots of organic greens and good protein, and to have people I love in my life. I'm blessed to be able to help others find this, too! _______________________________________________________________________________
A Monthly Newsletter to increase your health and awareness of natural resources to live longer and become stronger:
containing important articles about health, links to science-backed research, inspiring YouTube videos, and breakthroughs in functional medicine
Please subscribe via PayPal for $10/mo or VENMO for the year (now to 2/1/26) $60 Stay informed!
Join the online 5-Day "Spring into a Healthier You!" Health and Fitness Seminar
Increase longevity, Practice raising your heart rate 3x/d Balance blood sugar, Follow intermittent fasting Sleep better, Breathe with different rhythms, Open your heart to others!
Starts Sunday May 4 - Thurs May 8, 4:30 - 6pm ET free BMC-based HIIT cardio class Mon Wed Fri 9 - 10am EDT
In the 5-Day "Spring into a Healthier You!" you'll learn how to live a longer, healthier life to minimize your chances of developing metabolic diseases (high blood pressure, insulin resistance, diabetes, neuropathy, fatty liver, cancer and dementias). Learn how to measure your blood sugar, eat the right foods, build muscle, increase your cardio, sleep better, and connect to others by sharing recipes.
Learn about your mouth and teeth from Dr. Keith Marshall, an inspired holistic dentist in NYC. Sara will teach you the correct tongue placement for tooth alignment, sleep apnea, digestion, bruxism, and pronunciation based on Myofunctional Therapy!
Take control of your body and your health!
What Others Say about Sara!
"Sara Vogeler's course "A Revolutionary Approach to Pain Relief and Wellness" has been life-changing for me. Adopting the practice of monitoring my glucose levels is proving to be a game-changer. I am now thoroughly convinced that with the low-carb diet she recommended, coupled with regular exercise, I can triumph over my health challenges. I am wholeheartedly committed to attending the 6:00 AM (Pacific) dance exercise classes as often as possible.
Sara's method of teaching is not only logical but also incredibly easy to comprehend. A personal favorite takeaway for me has been the advice to avoid sweet potatoes, which I'm not fond of. It's refreshing to have a valid reason to bypass them, especially since they're often recommended in diet plans."
Order Your Keto-Mojo to Test Blood SugarSara tested the new Continuous Glucose Monitor called the Stelo, available online without prescription. The Stelo readings occur every 15 minutes (inconvenient). The FreeStyle Libre 3, the FreeStyle Libre Plus, and the Keto Mojo give real time readings. The Keto Mojo may be the most accurate as it directly measures sugar in the blood, not in the interstitial fluid as the other GCMs do. one drawback--the Plus needs prescription.
"I would like to say that Sara’s movement classes are fantastic!!! Great rhythm, clear instructions! One can experience her vast somatic background put to music like it’s party time. She is very welcoming which makes it personal and cozy to be online, even in her glamorous environment. Cardio in the most fun way. Simply fantastic sophisticated work out! I highly recommend!” --Lilia Angello, BMC
I first met Sara through her leadership of a supplementary study group of online Body-Mind Centering® courses taught by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. Being a long-time practitioner and certified teacher of Body-Mind Centering®, Sara is masterful in her approach as a teacher and group facilitator. She listens intently while drawing each one of us within the group to engage in ever-deepening ways with the material of experiential anatomy. Sara's knowledge comes from a vast experience as a dancer, teacher, and somatic movement therapist. Her knowledge is embodied, full of wisdom and play!
Recently I've been taking a high-intensity fitness class with Sara online. It has been incredible to have the structure and the challenge of these amazing classes. We are encouraged to modify if what is presented is too challenging physically. I feel more alert and able to negotiate challenges with my physical and mental health which have been a huge problem for quite some time! In this process of learning, I've lost 20 pounds, and feel more excited about challenging fears, and taking action to move forward in life! Coming from a professional dance background, I find these classes exhilarating, fun, and challenging! Join us!
--Andrew Olewine
"Sara--you are a gift from God! I can't thank you enough--my spirit feels so uplifted! I feel so energized, so renewed! Thank you for allowing me to join this morning! It has been what I've been looking for during this whole pandemic. You've filled my heart and body with renewed energy and optimism. Thank you, and thank you to God for the glory of this gift!!" --Amy B.
"From hobble to whole in just a few weeks with Sara after hurting my nerve at the physical therapist's office! You are a miracle worker! --Lynn C.
5Body-Mind Centering® STUDY GROUP
Sara will be offering 12 Body-Mind Centering® Study Groups on Zoom on Fridays 5:00 to 6:15pm EST for beginners, movement therapists, dancers, educators, performers, and others who are enrolled in Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen's Winter 2025 Series entitled: "Engaging and Aligning the Endocrine Glands with their Corresponding Energy Centers"
In the study group, we will review the material that Bonnie presents about the glands and corresponding energy centers. "This series will guide you through the key energy centers of the endocrine glands. Each gland has corresponding bones and joints which provide both structural stability and form to the vibrational energy expressed through the glands." --Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
Study group meets Fridays from 5:00 to 6:15 Eastern Feb. 14, 21, 28 March 7, 14, 28 April 4, 11, 18 May 9, 16, 23
"The review in your words and yr ease of presenting the material Bonnie shows us is really helpful. Hard to describe, but something about your way is immediately communicative, effortlessly transcends the intellectual pieces that're trying to fit together but instead still swimming around each other. Thanks for everything ..." Sue in Sara's online BMC Study Group
"Hi Sara, Just wanted to say thank you so much for guiding the study group these past 8 weeks. Having you share your insight & guide us through somatic practices which support and deepen Bonnie's work has been so helpful!" Alexandra South, E-RYT, in Sara's online BMC Study Group
10% of the proceeds go to The Body-Mind Centering® Association.
Sara brings to each session a knowledge and passion about the body from 50 years of practice. She's the "go to" person when you are feeling out of balance, in pain, or just not well. She easily translates through her touch and words what is going to make you better.
With a background in dance, pre-med, Body-Mind Centering®, massage, fitness training, somatic movement therapy, and nutrition, she offers a most unique combination of talents. She clarifies and enlightens you--so you find ease and comfort, exploring new sensations to replace old habits.
Break out of restrictions, find your center, lengthen and strengthen! Bring out the best in you and your body!
The 6 Elements of Sara's Approach
Sara K. Vogeler, BMC, RSMT, MSMT/E, LMT, MFLCT, AOMT, orthopedic exercise specialist, in practice over 50 years, offers a unique approach to health using Intelligent Massage®, fitness exercise, foods, supplements, blood sugar balancing and somatic movement therapy to lead to a longer life. Reducing inflammation prevents degenerative diseases like diabetes, cancers, and brain deterioration. Sara will break up adhesions, reduce pain, strengthen bones and muscles, teach you corrective exercises to improve your posture, and balance your hormones naturally, especially insulin. She has taught at the School for Body-Mind Centering® in Amherst, at colleges and universities in Amsterdam, Paris, Munich, and New York-- including The Opleiding Moderne Dans, The Pacific College of Health and Science, The College of Health Sciences (the Swedish Institute), The Open Center, and Marymount Manhattan College. She helped found the Body-Mind Centering® Association 36 years ago and was president of the BMCA, and ISMETA (the International Somatic Movement and Education Therapy Association.) She serves on the Program Advisory Committee at the Swedish Institute and sees patients at The NeuroMuscular Center, Inc. which she founded in 1990 in NYC.
As an ISMETA-registered Master Somatic Movement Therapist and Educator, a certified advanced Teacher and Practitioner of Body-Mind Centering®, speaker, author, orthopedic exercise specialist, ACE-certified personal trainer over 25 years, a NYS licensed Massage Therapist, a former dancer/choreographer with a B.S. in Dance Therapy from NYU, and Moving for Life® Certified Instructor, Sara offers a most unique combination of talents from her rich background, which includes pre-med studies and nutrition.
Sara works with people of all ages and all occupations to break up adhesions, reduce pain, strengthen bones, lengthen muscles and free fascia. Learn corrective exercises to improve your posture and reduce pain, and balance your hormones naturally using foods, herbs, and spices. She clarifies and enlightens you--so you find ease and comfort, exploring new sensations to replace old habits. Feel better, eat better, exercise and regenerate!
Sara helps others who are injured, in pain or have some movement discomfort, disease, brain injuries, or motor delay, and those who want to optimize their health. She has trained in many musculoskeletal and movement therapy techniques extensively, taught anatomy at colleges and learning centers in the U.S. and in Europe, and has been featured on digital platforms, health shows, and various symposiums (Body-Mind Centering® Association Conferences, Integrative Healthcare Practitioners, NYU's Annual Health Forum).
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other Offerings:
BreastThermograms offer non-invasive, non-toxic, computer-generated thermal readings of heat developing in your tissues. Malignancies often generate more heat as capillaries feed into them which can be detected years before a tumor is formed. Breast, upper body, or total body readings by Patricia Bowden Luccardi.
Intermittent Fasting with Exercise 5-Day Challenges: eat low-carb organic food, fast 16-18 hrs daily and exercise MWF mornings at 9am EST (class described above). Join the 5-Day Challenges to learn what to eat, how to test blood sugar, exercise together and share recipes. Prize for the most improved!
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy for TMJ involvesmanual pressure to relieve jaw pain, exercises to promote swallowing so the tongue touches the roof of the mouth properly, jaw placement to reduce sleep apnea and open the airways for better breathing.
Inquire about your FABULOUS OVER 50! Total Package to support the aging process: soft tissue manipulation, personalized nutrition based on genetics with daily texting of food and mood, exercise classes online, and natural hormone balancing supervised by a doctor.
Sara K. Vogeler, Founder and Director of The NeuroMuscular Center, Inc. BMC, RSMT, MSMT/E, AOMT, LMT, MFLCI, Orthopedic Exercise Specialist and Trainer
Schedule here for an appointment Call 646.408.6419 or email [email protected]. Primary office: The Cornell Club, 6 East 44th Street, Fitness Dept. New location: 60 Sutton Place South, #7 EN, NY NY 10011
(Body-Mind Centering® is a registered service mark and BMCSM is a service mark of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, O.T., used with permission.)